
9 Jan 2014

How to debug SharePoint custom timer jobs in Visual Studio 2010?

1. Deploy your timer job solution

2. Set a break point in your code especially at Execute(). Why means whatever we written in Execute() method, this one only will debug. So set a break point at this method.

3. Attach to a process “OWSTIMER.EXE”.

4. Go to “Central Administration”  click on “Monitoring” in left side menu Under “Timer jobs” section, click on “Review job definitions”.

5. You can see all timer jobs there, select your timer job and click on it.

6. Click on “Run Now” and go to your code. Now you can able to debug your code.

7 Jan 2014

How to create custom timer jobs in SharePoint 2010?

Job Requirement:

Create one Announcements list, and add some announcements to this list. These announcements are having the details like title, body, and expires columns by default. When announcements will expire, automatically timer job should delete the items from the list.


Create an Announcement list and name it as "TestAnnouncements"

Step1: Creating the SharePoint project

  • Open visual studio 2010.
  • Select a new “Empty SharePoint project”, enter name and select location. (In my case I given name as “TimerJobExample”)

  • When you click “OK” button and in the next page select the option “Deploy as farm solution” and then “Finish”

  • When you open solution explorer, it is showing like the below picture.

Step 2: Creating the Job Definition class
  • Right click on the solution, click on “Add” and click on “New item”

  • To create a custom timer job, first add a class to your SharePoint project and inherit from SPJobDefinition.
    Under C# category select Code tab, select Class and give the class name. In my case I given class name as “TestTimer”
  • Add these two namespaces to your class file.
    using Microsoft.SharePoint;

    //This namespace is used for the SPJobDefinition class
    using Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration;

  • Your class must be public and inherit from SPJobDefinition class.  The class file looking like this

  • You must implement all three constructors.
    public TestTimer(): base()

    public TestTimer(string jobName, SPService service, SPServer server, SPJobLockType targetType):base(jobName, service, server, targetType)

    Public TestTimer(string jobName, SPWebApplication webApplication)
    :base(jobName, webApplication, null, SPJobLockType.ContentDatabase)
     //Set the title of the job, which will be shown in the Central Admin UI
     this.Title = "Simple Example for Timer Job";
  • You must override the Execute method.
    public override void Execute(Guid targetInstanceId)

    Whenever timer job executes, it will run the code what we written inside Execute() method.
  • Class file is looking like this 

write the following code in Execute method.

public override void Execute(Guid targetInstanceId)

            //Get the Web Application in which this Timer Job runs
            SPWebApplication webApp = this.Parent as SPWebApplication;

            //Get the site collection
            SPSiteCollection timerSiteCollection = webApp.ContentDatabases[targetInstanceId].Sites;

            DateTime todaydate = DateTime.Now;
            //Get the Announcements list in the RootWeb of each SPSite
            foreach (SPSite site in timerSiteCollection)
                //site.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;

                SPList listTestAnnouncement = site.RootWeb.Lists.TryGetList("TestAnnouncements");
                if (listTestAnnouncement != null)
                    SPListItemCollection itemcoll = listTestAnnouncement.GetItems();
                    if (itemcoll != null)
                        if (itemcoll.Count > 0)

                            for (int i = listTestAnnouncement.Items.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                SPListItem item = listTestAnnouncement.Items[i];
                                DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(item["Expires"]);
                                TimeSpan DateDiff = todaydate - dt;
                                int days = DateDiff.Days;

                                if (days > 0)
                                    //deleting item from list and storing in recycle bin

                                    //if we want to delete permanently from list and recycle bin
                //site.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;


Step 3: Creating a feature to register the timer job:
To register a timer job, create a feature and use the event receiver to register the timer job.
  • Right click on the Features folder, and click on “Add feature”.
  • Change the feature name as “CustomTimerJobFeature”.
  • Change the scope to “Web application”.
  • Right click on your “CustomTimerJobFeature”, and click on “Add event receiver”. Our solution is looks like 
  • Click on “CustomTimerJobFeature.EventReceiver.cs” and add the below name space
          using Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration;
  • Declare the string variable in class as shown in the below.

  • Uncomment the below two methods shown below.

    // Uncomment the method below to handle the event raised after a feature has been activated.
       public override void FeatureActivated(SPFeatureReceiverPropertiesproperties)


     // Uncomment the method below to handle the event raised before afeature is deactivated.
     public override void FeatureDeactivating(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)

  • Write the following code in the above two methods.
public override void FeatureActivated(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
            //In this event we create and install the timer job
            //Start by finding the SPSite.
            SPSite site = (SPSite)properties.Feature.Parent;
            //Make sure the timer job isn't already registered
            foreach (SPJobDefinition job in site.WebApplication.JobDefinitions)
                if (job.Name == TIMER_JOB_NAME)
            //Create a new Timer job
            TimerJobExample.TestTimer newTimerJob = new TimerJobExample.TestTimer(TIMER_JOB_NAME, site.WebApplication);
            SPDailySchedule jobSchedule = new SPDailySchedule();
            jobSchedule.BeginHour = 9;
            jobSchedule.BeginMinute = 30;
            jobSchedule.BeginSecond = 0;
            jobSchedule.EndSecond = 0;
            jobSchedule.EndMinute = 35;
            jobSchedule.EndHour = 9;
            newTimerJob.Schedule = jobSchedule;

public override void FeatureDeactivating(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
            //In this event we must clean up by deleting the timer job
            SPSite site = properties.Feature.Parent as SPSite;
            //Locate the right timer job
            foreach (SPJobDefinition job in site.WebApplication.JobDefinitions)
                if (job.Name == TIMER_JOB_NAME)
                    //This one is the right job. Delete it.

  • Thats it, and execute your timer job code. This timer job will run automatically every day at what time we mentioned in code. In my case it will execute every day in between 09:30AM to 09:35AM. This timer job will connect to "TestAnnouncements" list daily and checks the expires date. If the expires date is less than Today's date, it will remove announcement items from the list automatically.

Note: While deleting list items programatically, never use foreach loop. It will throw you an error, instead you can use for loop as i shown in the my code(in Execute method).

(In the next post i will explain how to debug timer jobs)

SharePoint Timer Jobs

1.What is Timer job?

A Timer Job is a periodically executed task inside SharePoint Server. It provides us a task execution environment (or) Timer Job is background processes that are run by SharePoint.

2.What are the default timer jobs in SharePoint?

Refer the following URL

3.What timer jobs are doing in SharePoint?

There are many timer jobs inside SharePoint which do internal tasks like:
•    Send emails
•    Validate sites
•    Delete unused sites
•    Health analysis
•    Product versioning
•    Diagnostics

These tasks will having execution periods like:
•    Minute
•    Hour
•    Day
•    Week
•    Month

4.Where can we find the default timer jobs in SharePoint?

We can find default timer jobs in SharePoint central administration.
  • Open SharePoint central administration.
  • Click on “Monitoring”
  • Under “Timer jobs” section, click on “Review job definitions”, there we can see all default timer jobs as well as custom timer jobs.
The following picture shows you clearly.

Once you click, it is showing all timer jobs related information like title(timer job name), web application(in which web application timer job is deployed) and schedule type(how it should run like minutes, hours, weak, month)

You can select each Job Definition and can change the schedule or disable it.

5.What are the steps to follow for creating custom timer jobs?

Step 1: Create the SharePoint Project. In this step, you create a Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 project that you can use to deploy and test your timer job.
Step 2: Create the Job Definition Class. In this step, you create a job definition class that contains your timer job logic.
Step 3: Create a Feature to Register the Job. In this step, you use a feature receiver class to install the timer job in your SharePoint environment.

SharePoint Questions and Answers

1.What is the maximum size recommended to SharePoint 2010 Content database?

How to know which W3WP process is attached to Web application in SharePoint?

1.Open command prompt.

2.Type the following command
C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv>appcmd list wp

(here we can see W3WP process and web application details) 

How to hide ribbon controls in NewForm, EditForm, and Dispaly form and created by, modified by information for lists and libraries?

The following is the CSS code for hiding ribbon bar in list forms.

<style type="text/css">
            #s4-ribbonrow, .ms-descriptiontext, .ms-cui-topBar2, .s4-notdlg,
           .s4-pr s4-ribbonrowhidetitle, .s4-notdlg noindex, #ms-cui-ribbonTopBars, #s4-titlerow,
            #s4-pr s4-notdlg  s4-titlerowhidetitle, #s4-leftpanel-content
                   display:none !important;

                  margin-left:0px !important;
                  margin-right:0px !important;


6 Jan 2014

How to Restrict user to open SharePoint site in SharePoint Designer 2010?

1.Open SharePoint "Central Administration"

2.Click on "General Application Settings" and click on "Configure SharePoint Designer Settings" under "SharePoint Design" section.

3.Uncheck "Enable SharePoint Designer"  and click OK button as shown below.

4.When user is trying to open site in Designer, it will show the following error.