
7 Jan 2014

SharePoint Timer Jobs

1.What is Timer job?

A Timer Job is a periodically executed task inside SharePoint Server. It provides us a task execution environment (or) Timer Job is background processes that are run by SharePoint.

2.What are the default timer jobs in SharePoint?

Refer the following URL

3.What timer jobs are doing in SharePoint?

There are many timer jobs inside SharePoint which do internal tasks like:
•    Send emails
•    Validate sites
•    Delete unused sites
•    Health analysis
•    Product versioning
•    Diagnostics

These tasks will having execution periods like:
•    Minute
•    Hour
•    Day
•    Week
•    Month

4.Where can we find the default timer jobs in SharePoint?

We can find default timer jobs in SharePoint central administration.
  • Open SharePoint central administration.
  • Click on “Monitoring”
  • Under “Timer jobs” section, click on “Review job definitions”, there we can see all default timer jobs as well as custom timer jobs.
The following picture shows you clearly.

Once you click, it is showing all timer jobs related information like title(timer job name), web application(in which web application timer job is deployed) and schedule type(how it should run like minutes, hours, weak, month)

You can select each Job Definition and can change the schedule or disable it.

5.What are the steps to follow for creating custom timer jobs?

Step 1: Create the SharePoint Project. In this step, you create a Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 project that you can use to deploy and test your timer job.
Step 2: Create the Job Definition Class. In this step, you create a job definition class that contains your timer job logic.
Step 3: Create a Feature to Register the Job. In this step, you use a feature receiver class to install the timer job in your SharePoint environment.

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