
1 Sept 2012

Installing SharePoint Foundation 2010 Or SharePoint server 2010 on Windows 7 x64

SharePoint Foundation 2010 setup requires Windows Server 2008 R2 to run , but simply install SharePoint Foundation 2010 on Windows 7 64 bit operating system , just changing the config file.

To Start up with the following are the prerequisites[requirements] which you need to have.

1. Download SharePoint foundation 2010 from

2. Click on downloaded file "SharePointFoundation.exe".

3. This will start extracting files and then screen for the installation will be displayed.

4. Do not continue with the installation at this point. Do not close the installation screen and perform the steps 5 -11.

5. Navigate to the extracted files location , the files extracted can be found in "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSECache\SharePoint2010" path.

6. Under the "SharePoint2010" folder , navigate to "Files" folder.

7. Under the "Files" folder , navigate to "Setup" folder.

8. You should be able to locate "config" file in the "Setup" folder.

9.Open the config file with the any text editors[example notepad, Textpad].

10. Need to add < Setting Id="AllowWindowsClientInstall" Value="True"/ > before the closing < / Configuration >tag.

11. Now save the file.

12. Install the Prerequisite files by navigating to "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSECache\SharePoint2010\PrerequisiteInstallerFiles\FilterPack" location, then click on the "FilterPack" windows installer file , After successful installation message will be displayed , close the dialog.

13. Suppose if the "Microsoft.IdentityMode" is not found in the "C:\Windows\assembly" location, Need to install the Windows Identity Foundation file "Windows6.1-KB974405-x64.msu" for the same.File can be downloaded from link.

14. Check "Internet Information Services" features is enabled in your machine , If not you can enable this features through "Control Panel -> Programs -> Programs and Features" then click on "Turn Windows features on or off" , select the "Internet Information Services" and click "OK".

16. If needed to re-boot the machine , once restarted if you click on the "SharePointFoundation.exe" the config file which you changed in above steps will be over written , so you need to repeat the steps 5-11 once again.

17. Go back to the screen as was displayed in Step 4 , and continue installation of "SharePoint Foundation". Do not worry to install the "software prerequisites."

18. Continue with "SharePoint 2010 Products Configuration Wizard".

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