
24 Sept 2012

SharePoint 2010 Basic Interview Questions-Part 2

21)  What is a Farm?
        SharePoint Farm is a collection of one or more sharepoint server which 
       having a single configuration database.

22)  What are sites available in SharePoint?
        Wiki Sites, Blogs Site, Meeting Sites, Blank Sites etc. available in 

23)  What is a site definition in sharepoint?
        Site definition is a combination of template and XML. Site definition             
       available in sharepoint are STS for Team and Blank Site, MPS for,      
       meeting   workspace. BLOGS for Blogs site

24)  What is a site collection?
        Site collection is the collection of sites and work spaces which create a  

25)  What is a site?
        Site is the container of contents, contents are in the form of List and 

26)  What are pages available in Sharepoint?
        Site Pages and Application pages.

       Site Pages: These are pages that supports user customization by  
       designing tools e.g. Sharepoint designer. Some site pages are, 
       default.aspx, default.master

       Application Pages: Those pages which does not support user 
       customization. These pages are found in virtual -layouts directory. 
       Application pages can be used with any sites or site collection on same 

       You may find application pages at this location :
       C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server 

27)  What is web application in Sharepoint?
         In sharepoint Webapplication is a IIS website. Each web application is 
        associated with one IIS website. For each web application, content 
        database is created.

28)  What are Content types?
        A content type is a reusable thing provided by WSS.  content type defines
       the column for an item in a library or list and same can be used for any 
       library or list in that sharepoint application.
       For e.g. you are creating a list for leave application then if you are 
       creating column for HR department, IT department then it does not 
       makes any sense.
       So used content type where you can create your own column or site 
       column (Given by SharePoint) and you can use this content type with any
       list or library.

29)  What is BDC?
        BDC i.e. Business Data Catalouge. It is a middleware for your SharePoint 
       site and back end data such as SAP, Siebel and any other Line of 
       Business application.
       In BDC you can not modify data from your sharepoint list. It will be    
       available to your site in read only. 
       In Sharepoint 2010 it is named as BCS (Business Connectivity Services).
       BCS is two way, i.e. Data can be edit from sharepoint list as well from 
       the back end data base.

30)  What is workspace?
        Workspace is more specific to a site for e.g. you want to create annual 

31) what is the difference between SharePoint Portal Server and 
       Windows SharePoint Services?
       SharePoint Portal Server is the global portal offering features like global 
      navigation and searching. Windows SharePoint Services is more content 
      management based with document libraries and lists. You apply 
      information to certain areas within your portal from Windows SharePoint 
      Services or directly to portal areas.

32) what is a document library?
       A document library is where you upload your core documents. They consist 
      of a row and column view with links to the documents. When the 
      document is updated so is the link on your site. You can also track
      metadata on your documents. Metadata would consist of document   

33) what is a meeting workspace?
       A meeting workspace is a place to store information, attendees, and 
      tasks related to a specific meeting.

34) what is a document workspace?
       Document workspaces consist of information surrounding a single or   
      multiple documents.

35) what is the difference between a document library and a form library?     
      Document libraries consist of your core documents. An example would be 
      a word document, excel, powerpoint, visio, pdf, etc… Form libraries 
      consist of XML forms.

36) how is security managed in SharePoint?
       Security can be handled at the machine, domain, or sharepoint level.

37) what is a site definition?
       It’s a methods for providing prepackaged site and list content.

38) what is a template?
       A template is a pre-defined set of functions or settings that can be used 
      over time. There are many templates within SharePoint, Site Templates, 
      Document Templates, Document Library and List Templates.

39) what is the difference between a site and a web?
      The pages in a Web site generally cover one or more topics and are 
      interconnected through hyperlinks. Most Web sites have a home page as 
      their starting point. While a Web is simply a blank site with SharePoint 
      functionality built in; meaning you have to create the site from the ground

40) What is Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services? How is it related to 
      Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007?
      Windows SharePoint Services is the solution that enables you to create 
     Web sites for information sharing and document collaboration. Windows 
     SharePoint Services — a key piece of the information worker infrastructure 
     delivered in Microsoft Windows Server 2003 — provides additional 
     functionality to the Microsoft Office system and other desktop     
     applications, and it serves as a platform for application development.

     Office SharePoint Server 2007 builds on top of Windows SharePoint 
     Services 3.0 to provide additional capabilities including collaboration, 
     portal, search, enterprise content management, business process and 
     forms, and business intelligence.