
26 Sept 2012

Interview Questions asked by MNC companies

Accenture interview questions:

1)Tell me about your sharepoint experiences ?
2)Did you ever worked in Web Services ? How you called Webmethods ?
3)What type of Webparts you are developed in your current project ?
4)How many ways we can deploy the webpart ? Which is the best method to
   deploy the Webpart ?
5)What are new features in MOSS 2007 ?
6)What are the permission levels in Sharepoint ?
7)What is Sharepoint Object Model ?
8)What are basic building blocks for Sharepoint ?
9)How many types of Event Handlers in Sharepoint ? where did you use  
   these event handlers in your project ?
10)What are the Security levels in Sharepoint ?
11)What is the default authentication level in Sharepoint ?
12)Can we impliment Forms Authentication in Sharepoint or is there any 
     custom Authentication ?
13)What is meant by SignIn ?
14)What is meant by MetaData Cache ?
15)How can you impliment Data Fragment cache ? What is VaryByParam ?
16)When configuring Enterprise Search?

TCS questions:

1)Difference between WSS 2.0 , WSS 3.0 , MOSS 2007 ?
2)Difference between Windows Sharepoint Services and Portal Services ?
3)How to deploy and debug Webparts in Sharepoint ?
4)How can we apply Authentication in MOSS 2007 ?
5)How to use dataview webpart in Sharepoint Designer (SPD) 2007 ?
6)How to customize XSLT code in Dataview Webaprts using Sharepoint 

   Designer (SPD) 2007 ?
7)Which provider is better in Visual Studio ? like OLEDB and Sqlserver .
8)How to integrate Active directory user to public site(internet site)
9)Which Workflow are used in Sharepoint Designer , how can i executed 
   Workflow ? 
10)How can i get List of items in your site using API coding ? 

Value labs questions:

1)How to set forms authentication in your Sharepoint sites ?
2)What Content types used in MOSS 2007?
3)How to create new Templates in Sharepoint Server 2007 ?
4)What is Workflow ? default work flows in sharepoint server ?
5)How can i create new workflows in VS 2005 ? with real time example ?
6)What is Infopath template  ? how can i set browser configuration in 
7)what is used for browser enabled infopath ?
   how can enable code in your infopath form ?
8)Differences between WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007 ?
9)How to deploy Webparts in your Sharepoint by using SPD and VS ?
10)How to create Sharepoint solutions ? what is .cab file?
11)How can i set workflow history in sharepoint property ? 

Wipro questions:

1)What is the use of master page? Can you tell me , I want to put the 
   Drop-down control in master page, and this dropdown control should 
   populate the data from database?
2)How can you create and deploy the workflows by using Visualstudio 2005, 
   tell me the step-wise?
3)Can you tell me how to create the HRLeaveapproval workflow by using 
4)What is the use of infopath forms? 
   I have the List called ”Employees”,in that there is a Field called ” 
   I want to Fill the Department names in the infopathform control 
   (eg: Take the Dropdown control , i want to fill this Department names in 
          Dropdowncontrol )
5)10 users entering the data in infopath forms and submit the data, now i
   want to generate the reports for those 10 users, how can you do this?
6)What is the use of BDC ? 
7)How can you Configure the Enterprise Search?
8)What are the Base class methods you used in developing custom 
   Webparts ?
9)How many ways you can deploy the custom webparts ? with out install in 
   GAC, is there any other way to deploy ?
10)About Execl Services,
11)Feature event receivers Classes?
12)What is the use of “Run with elevated Previliages”?

Technics integration technologies interview questions:

1)What is Feature and its Deployment Types?
2)About WSP builder?
3)What is feature.xml and element.xml?
4)Write a program to enter the items in Sharepoint List?and How to add the  
   Users in your Current Site?
5)What is DDF? and About solution packages?
6)Event Handlers?
7)Search Configuration and Excel Services Configuration in MOSS 2007?
8)What about Service accounts?
9)What are the pillers of sharepoint?
10)Infopath forms?
11)How many ways to create workflows?Which is the best?
12)What is the Base Class of the Webpart? and About Content Edit
13)About your Project details and roles & responsbilites?
14)What is the Sandbox Solutions?Why we are using that?
15)Migration from MOSS 2007 to Sharepoint 2010?How many types?Which one
    is the best?
16)Authentication Types in Sharepoint 2010?
17)What is  the Alternate Access Mapping?
18)Write a program to retraive the data from all lists in sharepoint?
19)What is the managed path?
20)Difference between Shared Service Provider and Shared Service Application?
21)How to publish the content type in Sharepoint 2010
22)What is the Managed meta data Service?
23)Difference between  list and Library?
24)How to move the list from one site to another site?
25)How to move the data from Development server to Production server?
26)What is the Runwith Elivated Privilliages?
27)Error handling or coding in infopath?
28)How to access the LINQ in Sharepoint 2010?
29)How to deploy Silverlight Webparts?
30)Issues on Migration and How to solve that?

Igate questions:

1)What are the picture Libraries?
2)How can upload multiple pictures?
3)Difference between Sp 2007 ans Sp 2010?
4)How can Configure the SSP in SP 2010?
5)What are the Webservices?
6)Difference beetween form library and document library?
7)Write code to fetch the users in list?
8)Admin Repoting Kit(ARK)?
9)Blob Caching?
10)Search Services in moss 2007 and Sp 2010?

Logica questions:

1)What is the Webpart Development and Deployment in Sharepoint
   2007/2010? How to do Step by Step?
2)What is the Site Definitation? How to do?
3)What is Feature and Feature Stappling?
4)How to generate the WSP in Moss 2007?
5)Difference between Site Definition and Site Template?
6)What is the meaning of Ghosting and Unghosting in Sharepoint?
7)What is the Extend Web Application?When your creating the extend Web
   application,it will store the same database or create any  new database?
8)How to deploy SilverLight Web part in Sharepoint 2010?
9)What is Powershell?Comparision between Stsadm and Powershelll?Which
   one is better?
10)What is IFS(Infopath Form Service).How to publish the Forms to Sharepoint 
11)Site Pages and Application Pages?
12)Sharepoint Programming.
13)Sharepoint 2010 Architecture.


1)Tell me the sharepoint execution process?
2) What is the necessary file in modifying the masterpage?
3) What is content type? and what is the use?
4) How many content types in sharepoint?
5) How to modify column name in custom list?
6) what are the webpart's u developed?
7) what is the advantages of sharepoint designer?
8) How to build webpart? what is the necessary file we want?
9) What is wsp? How to create .wsp file? what we want to build wsp file?
10)how to use master page in sharepoint?
11)How can u deploy the webpart to sharepoint gallery?
    Sub question : ( I don’t want to put the assembly in GAC i want that is as  
    a private assembly )
    Why it s necessary to mention that is a safecontrol ? 
12)How to crate & place themes in Share point sites?
13)How can u call the custom CSS in Share point?
14)How many types of permissions in Share point?
15)How to change the default date format (mm/dd/yyyy) to jan-01-2008?
16)Explain BDC? Why to go for BDC?
17)In how many ways backup and restore the SharePoint site?
18)What is Audience targeting?
19)Can u write the code to copy the existing list to another list?
20)What is the use of STSADM tool?
21)How to create & delete list using object data model?
22)Did u create any workflows in ur project ? what are the workflows u created 
    (and either by using sharepoint designer or visual studio)
23)Difference between Sequential workflow and state machine Workflow ?
24)How do u debug the workflows ( how do u handle exceptions) ?
25)Can we generate the strong name key to private assembiles ?
26)How can u deploy the webpart to sharepoint gallery?
    Sub question : ( I don’t want to put the assembly in GAC i want that is as 
                           a private assembly )
27)Why it s necessary to mention that is a safecontrol ?

1 comment:

  1. I'd be very thankful ,if you can post the answer as well for the above questionnaires.

    Pawan Mishra
