
24 Sept 2012

SharePoint 2010 Basic Interview Questions-Part 1

1) What Has Changed with 12 hive in SharePoint 2010?
     Three New Folders have been added in 12 hive structure in SharePoint 
     1. UserCode – files used to support sandboxed solutions
     2. WebClients – used for the client Object Model
     3. WebServices – .svc files

2) What are the Visual Studio 2010 Tools for SharePoint.
      Visual Studio 2010 includes SharePoint-specific project types and project 
     item types, and includes powerful packaging, deployment, and debugging 
     features that help increase your efficiency as a SharePoint 2010 developer.
     Some of the Templates available are :
     1.Visual Web Part project template.
     2. List definition template.
     3. Content Type template.
     4. Empty Project template.
     5. Event Receiver template.
     6. some workflow template.
     7. the Site Definition template etc.

3) What Changes are made in SharePoint 2010 to enforce Referential 
      In SharePoint 2010, Referential Integrity is enforced by using two options
     available with Look-up columns. While creating a Look-up column, you 
     have two options :
     1. Restrict Delete
     2. Cascade Delete
     These options define a relationship between the Look-up list and the list
     containing the look-up Column.

4)  What is Ribbon in SharePoint 2010?
      The Ribbon Bar, is one of the finest improvements that Microsoft added to 
     Office 2007 . SharePoint 2010 follows the same path. The ribbon basically, 
     is a toolbar that appears across the top of each page in SharePoint.
     The top-level elements in the Ribbon are tabs. Each tab organizes a set of 
     groups (like Edit.Browse) and contains a set of controls. The controls 
     inside the groups include buttons, drop-down menus, check boxes, combo 
     boxes, split buttons, and galleries. In short, the users now can see the 
     options like checkOut,Check In, Edit Page,Publish Page, delete page under
     edit tab, on the top of the Page itself.

5) What has changed with SSP in SharePoint 2010.
     In SharePoint 2010 Shared Service Providers (SSP's) are replaced by Service 
    Applications. Services are no longer combined into a SSP. They are running
    independent as a service application. The service application architecture is 
    now also built into Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010, in contrast to the
    Shared Services Provider (SSP) architecture that was only part of Office 
    SharePoint Server 2007. A key benefit here is that all services are installed 
    by default and there is no SSP setup.

6) What is SharePoint?
     SharePoint 2010 is a platform where user can share Data, Collaborate
    and people can also take this platform and customized platform as per 
    their requirements.
7) What are the two different products in SharePoint 2010?
     SharePoint 2010 has basically two different products namely SharePoint  
    Foundation 2010 and SharePoint Server 2010.
    SharePoint Foundation 2010 is basically a free version.
    SharePoint Server 2010 is basically a paid version.
8) How to create Users and Allocates permissions to the Users?
     Permission management is a three steps process as follows.
    Step1: -Create Users.
    Step2: – Create Permissions.
    Step3: – Link the Users with the Permissions
    In order to create a User’s and Allocate permissions Click on Site Actions 
    located on the top link bar and then click on Site Permissions.Now, under 
    the Edit tab, click on Grant Permissions. Later, In the Users/group field, 
    enter the user’s name, choose the permissions you wish the user to have 
    under Give Permission, and then click on OK.
9)  Whats new in Shared Service Provider (SSP ) in Sharepoint 2010 ? 
      (Alt Q: What is "Service Application" ? )
     “Service Application” or “Service App” is a concept in Sharepoint 2010, 
     where SSP Services are split out into separate services.
     What is replaced?
     1. Profiles, Audiences = People Service App
     2. Search = Search Service App
     3. Excel = Excel Service App
     Whats new :-
     1. Project Server = Project Server App
     2. Visio Services = Visio Service App
     Advantages :-
     1.  Web applications can be configured to only use a subset of the
          deployed services.
     2.  You can deploy multiple instances of the same service in a farm by 
          giving the new service instances unique names.
     3.  You can share services across multiple web applications in a farm.

10) Document Library - how to set word template as default.
      1.  By default, it is word template. We can change the template also.
     2.  Go to document library ---> settings ---> form library settings -->
          Advanced settings
     3.  In that “Template URL” option is there. We can give the path here

11)  What are the file types we can’t upload to SharePoint site?
       Central administration ---> Operations ---> Blocked file types under 
       Security Configuration

12)  Content Retention:
       We can configure “Information management policy settings on 
       documents/content types to specify when they expire.

13) What are features of SharePoint 2010?
       Some features are :
1  Document Collaboration
2  Enterprise Search
3  New Enhance Web Part
4  Ready made Silver Light web part
5  Business Connectivity Services

14) What is WSS ?
       WSS stands for Windows Sharepoint Services. It is a core framework on 
      which MOSS works. WSS features are: Wiki, Blogs site, Document 
      management, Server Farm.

15) What is MOSS?
       MOSS stands for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server. It is the part of 
      SharePoint which gives more functionality with WSS. MOSS features are:
      Mysite, Search Services, Audience Targetting, Excel Services, 
      Form Services.

16)  Difference between Library vs List ?
        Library is used to store the document and Lists are the container of  
       similar items in form of rows and columns. In Library you can create core 
       document like Word, Excel, PowerPoint. But in List You can not create 
       document, instead of that you can attach document in a particular List.

17)  What is difference between Document Library and Form Library?
         Document Library contains core document such as , MS word, Excel, 
       PowerPoint. But Form library contains document in XML form. Such as 
       Info Path form.

18)  What is Central Admin in SharePoint?
        Central admin is the default website by sharepoint while installing.

19)  What is stsadm command?
        stsadm command is used to perform all administrative work. For e.g. 
      backup, restore, installing feature, adding web part to site etc.

20)  What is the command to take backup and restore for sharepoint site?
        Backup command:
       stsadm -o backup -url http://moss:1985/ -filename c:\mysite.bak
       To restore.
       Create one blank Site collection on same server with any port number
       e.g. 1986.
       stsadm -o restore -url http://moss:1986/ -filename c:\mysite.bak

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